Acupuncture is generally very safe with minimal side effects. Some people might experience slight bruising, soreness, or fatigue after a session, but these effects are usually temporary. Serious side effects are rare.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing, and try to eat a light meal about an hour before your appointment. It’s best to avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol before your session, as these can affect how you respond to the treatment.
Yes, acupuncture can often be used alongside other treatments such as medication, physical therapy, or massage. Be sure to inform your acupuncturist about any other treatments or medications you are using. For instance, we often recommend to receive acupuncture before a chiropractic visit and directly after major orthopedic surgeries for quicker recovery.
Some people feel immediate relief after their first session, while others may need a few treatments to experience noticeable results. The effectiveness of acupuncture can depend on the nature of your condition and how well you respond to the treatment.